Have you noticed recently that device that seems to be stuck to your hand? You know the one; it beeps, it has the all-important social media, it takes great pictures. Yeah, I’m referring to your handphone. Although, our dependence on our devices is usually seen as a bad thing, why not turn it into a great thing. This World Health Week, let’s take our devices a step further and use them as a way to improve our health. Here are some apps that will help with that:
Sleep Cycle

It seems like a miracle how we can even get any sleep in this busy day and age. This app analyses your sleep pattern via your phone’s microphone and wakes you up when you’re in your lightest sleep phase. The natural phase for waking up is during the said phase therefore, this results in you waking up feeling fully rested.
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android

Drinking water is something so elementary and yet at the same time, it’s so easy to forget. This app is for those who could use a reminder once-in-a-while. Set your daily goals of how much water you’d like to drink, and you’ll be able to track your progress as the day goes by. Little reminders can be programmed in the app to remind you to drink throughout the day.
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android

To a lot of Malaysians, our great passion in life is eating but how do you stay healthy if one’s constantly gobbling down all the yumminess? Maybe Lifesum could help? This app helps keep track of your calorie intake and even gives you a calorie suggestion for each meal based on your health goals. If you have a bit of a budget, try out their premium version. They have meal plans and recipes to make eating healthy, that bit easier.
Price: Free with a premium option
Operating System: IOS and Android

This is a must-have app for those of you who like working on their health by getting busy in the kitchen. Yummly is a recipe app that gives you meal ideas. Got any dietary restriction? Don’t worry, just update the dietary preferences page in the app and an updated list of recipes will be presented to you!
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android

Has meal prepping been on your list of to-do but every time you start you feel overwhelmed? This app will be your knight in shining armour. Not only does it work as a shopping list, but it also gives you healthy recipes, helps plan your meals and sets reminders when it’s time to prep! Plus, all the recipes look just so scrumptious! Who said eating healthily had to be boring right!
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android
Workout Trainer

Nothing screams health like a good workout! Workout Trainer has over a thousand free workouts that you can follow. If you’re not too sure what you’re doing, don’t worry because they have step-by-step audio and visuals to help make sure that you’re working out right.
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android
Smiling Mind

The health of our mind is just as equally important as the health of our body. Meditation can help one’s with stress, anxiety, self-awareness and a whole lot more. This meditation app will help you get started with meditation whether you’re a newbie or an aficionado. Before and after the meditation, the app asks you to rate your mood to see if it has improved.
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android

If meditation doesn’t work for you, how about playing games? Happify is an app that reduces stress and increases happiness through activities and games. It teaches life-changing habits based on science such as positive psychology.
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android

This is for the ladies out there! This app avoids those awkward situations with your doctor when they ask you about your last menstrual cycle and you frantically try to remember a date. Upon downloading the app, it asks basic questions such as the last date of your period, year you were born, cycle length, etc, and the app is all ready to track your menstrual cycle. There’s also an option in the app that is used for pregnancy.
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android

With the first ‘achoo’, it’s usually Dr. Google to the rescue but we all know the outcome is going to be cancer. It always is with Dr. Google. What if we could get a more reliable diagnosis? Well, we can with HealthTap. They have an artificial intelligence doctor that can loosely diagnosis you based on your symptoms. However, do note that it’s always safer to check with a doctor if you’re experiencing any worrying symptoms.
Price: Free
Operating System: IOS and Android
Don’t you just feel excited with the prospect of being to use your phone for better health! What are your plans on conquering health this World Health Week? Let us know in the comments below. We’d love to know!